Blog post
Properties & Parameters Of Jayo Filaments
We recently sent samples of all our current filaments to an independent lab for extensive performance testing.
Properties & Parameters Of Jayo Filaments
We recently sent samples of all our current filaments to an independent lab for extensive performance testing.
Get More High-Quality Filament for Less with JA...
we know makers and hobbyists are always looking for ways to maximize their 3D printing experience without breaking the bank.
Get More High-Quality Filament for Less with JA...
we know makers and hobbyists are always looking for ways to maximize their 3D printing experience without breaking the bank.
What Is PLA+ And What Is The Difference Between...
Let me tell you — the difference between PLA+ and PLA is that the toughness of PLA+ is significantly better than that of PLA.
What Is PLA+ And What Is The Difference Between...
Let me tell you — the difference between PLA+ and PLA is that the toughness of PLA+ is significantly better than that of PLA.